Get hundreds of nodes at once! Based on Cloudflare, completely free, support subscription!
This time we will combine Cloudflare Worker with the free GitHub node collection project, use Worker to filter out those nodes that can be proxied by Worker, create a subscription link, and choose your own clean IP!
Create a Worker
Create a Worker with the following code, plz use Google to search tutorials for creating a Cloudflare Worker!
const subLink = '';
export default {
async fetch(request) {
let url = new URL(request.url);
let realhostname = url.pathname.split('/')[1];
let realpathname = url.pathname.split('/')[2];
if (url.pathname.startsWith('/sub')) {
let newConfigs = '';
let resp = await fetch(subLink);
let subConfigs = await resp.text();
subConfigs = subConfigs.split('\n');
for (let subConfig of subConfigs) {
if ('vmess') != -1) {
subConfig = subConfig.replace('vmess://', '');
subConfig = atob(subConfig);
subConfig = JSON.parse(subConfig);
if (subConfig.sni && !isIp(subConfig.sni) && == 'ws' && subConfig.port == 443) {
var configNew = new Object();
configNew.v = '2'; = 'Node-' + subConfig.sni;
if (realpathname == '') {
configNew.add = url.hostname;
} else {
configNew.add = realpathname;
configNew.port = subConfig.port; =; =; = url.hostname;
configNew.path = '/' + subConfig.sni + subConfig.path;
configNew.tls = subConfig.tls;
configNew.sni = url.hostname;
configNew.aid = '0';
configNew.scy = 'auto';
configNew.type = 'auto';
configNew.fp = 'chrome';
configNew.alpn = 'http/1.1';
configNew = 'vmess://' + btoa(JSON.stringify(configNew));
newConfigs = newConfigs + configNew+ '\n';
return new Response(newConfigs);
} else {
const url = new URL(request.url);
const splitted = url.pathname.replace(/^\/*/, '').split('/');
const address = splitted[0];
url.pathname = splitted.slice(1).join('/');
url.hostname = address;
url.protocol = 'https';
return fetch(new Request(url, request));
function isIp(ipstr) {
try {
if (ipstr == "" || ipstr == undefined) return false;
if (!/^(\d{1,2}|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])(\.(\d{1,2}|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){2}\.(\d{1,2}|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-4])$/.test(ipstr)) {
return false;
var ls = ipstr.split('.');
if (ls == null || ls.length != 4 || ls[3] == "0" || parseInt(ls[3]) === 0) {
return false;
return true;
} catch (ee) { }
return false;
how to use
Get your Worker URL, usually it is like this, open your v2rayN or v2rayNG, add a subscription, the subscription link is
For example
if u dont have a clean ip, just leave it blank
renew subscription, you will get some nodes, but not every one is usable
hi in iran they are going to block * can you guys do some change that we can add our domain into host and sni . and we link that domain to the * and its not block...
you can bind your own domain name to the worker
addEventListener( "fetch", event => { let url = new URL(event.request.url); let realhostname = url.pathname.split('/')[2]; let realpathname = url.pathname.split('/')[1]; url.hostname = realhostname; url.pathname = '/'+ realpathname; url.protocol = "https"; let request = new Request(url, event.request); event.respondWith( fetch(request) ) } )
؟ عبدالله عزیز ، این کدی که نوشتی رو کجا باید اضافه کنم
[email protected]
CloudFlare Worker
Thank you so much for helping
not working. all of them don't connect and say : error tls handshake
its bullshit. not working...
Did your mother die? so didn't tell you to be polite
I apologize on behalf of that fool. Thank you for all you're doing.
Go on, perform the clown show pls
Thank segaro & freenod
Works great if you use a clean IP. Thx.
i used "" for clean ip and Matsuri client on android devices and it works just fine,
you may need to toggle between some of locations to see which connect and have the best speed.
thank you guys so so much
It works very well. Thank you dear friends in FreeNode.
kind respect from Iran
GetAFreeNode,Thank you for all your help
thanks, i saw aggregator subs before but never had a chance to use them with workers.
and this code just made it so simple!!! and probably it works with other sub links too...
How to use the worker on my vps server or xiui scripts, can i use my own domain ?
How can i make my subscribe link that work with my x-ui configs ?
But i cant use this yet.
با درود
بعد از ساخت و ویرایش workers در مرحله ای که اقدام به ذخیره میکنم، خطا میده و سیو نمیکنه. برای رفع این اشکال چیکار کنم؟
منم این مشکل رو دارم، خطا میده
دلیلش چیه ؟؟
نمیدونم. تمام مراحل رو هم درست انجام میدم
baray iphone az appe FairVPN estefade knid. to shadowrocket wa shadowlink kar nmikone
سلام کسی اموزش firevpn بلده
قسمت ذخیر فیتر شکن رو خاموش کن بعد دخیره کن
با درود
بعد ساخت worker و اضافه کردن کد دستورات جایی که save and deploy باید بزنم خطا میده و ذخیره نمیکنه.برای رفع این خطا باید چیکار کنم؟
Wow, That's amazing and it's work just fine, but i have question, I have a list of ips how can i add them?, """" with this format i make 100 server with one ip , but i have more than one ip can i add them as a list?
این خونه رو کی ساخته؟ اوستای بنا ساخته تنهای تنها ساخته
با چوب نعنا ساخته
خودش تنهایی ساخته
دهنت سرویس سیگارو عالی بود تقریبا با اپدیت سابسکرایب 128 تا سرور داد که پینگ های همه رو چک کردم 20 تا سالم بود و فکر میکنم بقیشون هم با ور رفتن با تنظیمات ردیف یشه
داش ناموسا به منم یاد بده توییتراش رو میخونم هیچی حالیم نمیشه چی ب چیه
Telegram pm bede rahnamait knm @MurixXx
Salam , mishe be mnm komak koni ? id tlgrm midm lotfan pm bedid @ASNpage
Talash Krdm PM bedam. Mige ID telegramet vojud nadare. Man ID no Bala gozashtm b hamon pm bede ya ID jadideto bede
چیکار کردی .برای من یه سرور هم نیاورد
tnx getafreenode
I want to know what exactly is is it just a sub domain or it has something pointed towards some hosting. And how can we make our own ?
2nd : I have a .tk domain how can I used this to create several servers on my domain using workers?
1-segaro jan ip tamiz point mikone b subdomainesh. shoma mitoni ip tamiz khodetam bzni farghi nmikone....
2-sakhte workers b domain rabti ndre wa faghat account CF mikhad. age worker ro roye domain khodet bala avordi ba .tk ham mishe tedad ziadi worker sakht faghat rozane 100k request bishtar nmishe b account cloudflaret bdi.
اون آیدی تلگرام که دادی یک بات بود رفیق!
من پروکسی ها رو می سازم و همه چی اوکیه، فقط نمی دونم چرا کار نمی کنن!
همه کارها رو انجام دادم ولی ارور میده کردم ولی هیچ سروری اضافه نشد
iphone ? az FairVPN estefde kn
لینک ها تو برنامه ویندوز و اندروید اضافه شد ،ولی
میزنه،تو اندروید هم خطا میده
تو ویندوز پیام
Dial system failed, Operation was cancelled
A huge thanks guys, it's working great!!
دمت گرم واقعا ... کامل اوکی شد ... بازم ممنون
چرا وقتی کد رو در کلودفلر وارد و تایید میکنم همش ارور میده
It is wonderful! thank you guys, you are the best. you can't imagine how much you helped us. thanks forever.
502 Bad Gateway
Error communicating with origin body{margin:0;padding:0} Uh oh...Error communicating with origin server (no host header)Detailscontent-length:1363
content-type:text/html; charset=UTF-8
expected headers.get(kj::HttpHeaderId::HOST) != nullptr
Performance & security by Cloudflare
Thanks a lot. It works properly. Please let me have clean IP.
آقا دمتون گرم. مثل روغن کار می کنه و سرور میده
لطفا آيپي تميز بديد
سلامت باشيد
خیلی ممنون از تمام کسایی که این راه رو ایجاد کردن. فقط لطفا یکی توضیح بده کلین آی پی رو چطور میشه ایجاد کرد؟ ممنون میشم یکی کامل و مختصر توضیح بده
مختصری وجود نداره اگه دوست داشتی یاد بگیری برو اینجا
Hi, is it possible for you to create a code like this for clash? because clash program is better and it chose best server automatically, thx.
کارم نیمه کاره مونده لطفاراهنماییم کنیدباتشکر
thanks a lot for your support it's amazing and fast and we really appreciate your help in these times. Thanks a lot.
It's great, thank you all ! Great speed, great ping, you are incredible!
Hello tnx for all of your helps to Iranian in accessing free internet.
I encounter with problem in this method and its happen when i paste upper code in my cloudflare worker and i click on save and deploy show error:
{Script cannot be displayed}
Make sure the code is fully copied
works thank you all
how do i use this on PC ?
برا من همه چی اوکیه ولی روی نت شاتل موقع تست گرفتن ارور http tls timeout میده هیچ کدومشم وصل نمیشه مشکل کجاس؟
thank for your support to iranians people for freedom
most of this node didn t works or speed of them decreased
please resolved them
thanks a lot
از دیروز روی نت پارس آنلاین هیچ روشی که دوستان کد نویسی کردن جواب نمیده و قطع شده
سلام احتمالا آیپی ها فیلتر شده
error handshake failure mide
چجوری روی v2rayN برای کامپیوتر استفاده کنم ؟
i used it for adsl mokhhaberat and Irancell
Its working
very nice and great
thanks all and big thanks segaro
متاسفانه دیگه کار نمیکنه چیکار باید کرد؟ :(
کانفیگ ها دریافت و آپدیت میشه ولی هیچ کدوم وصل نمیشه
got 200+ nodes, but no one is usable
سلام من دامنه هم درکلودفلارثبت کردم امانتوانستم سروری شخصی بسازم ونیمه کاره رهاکردن حالا هم نمی دونم چطورسرورv2rayng راجداکنم فقط یکبار۶تاسروربردم اماهیچ کدوم متصل نشد لطفاراهنماییمکنیدممنون
باید موقع ساختن ورکر کد مخصوص که فری نود داده رو بزنی ، بعد آدرس ورکر با اچ تی تی پی / ساب/آی پی تمیز
همین رو میزنی تو برنامه بروزرسانی میکنی مثل بنز کلی کانفیگ اضافه میکنه
I want to know if there were any issues with your team. Because the nodes has not worked many days. I will donate some money if your team needs the donations. thanks for everything you do.
Pleas add a parameter to subscription urls in for iran section to make us be able to give a clean ip for configs
this is current url:
i need it to be like:
and put in address section in configs
when we select "Others" in operator list, add another text box to set an ip
Hi, GetaFreeNode team, and thank you for your efforts and services, especially for Iranian folks. You have no idea how your job helps people do their daily tasks freely. We will appreciate if you continue supporting the community so that hopefully everyone could have access to free internet forever.
Unfortunately, the brutal regime in Iran has also filterd out the IPs, and this trick is no longer working.
Is it possible that you put your nodes on github with websocket configuration and also IPs that work with Iranian ISPs and put them separately in different files? You can use .tk domain to have your servers' IPs proxied through Cloudflare. However, you may have to add a new domain every couple hours or so if they get blocked. Any other solutions are also very much appreciated. Thank you so much.
hi when i copy my worker into box and want to copy the link nothing copied to my clipboard can you help me with this ?
سلام ، دستتون درد نکنه ، خیلی عالی کار میکنه
دوستان مراحل رو دقیق انجام بدین درست کار میکنه
چطوری درست کنیم
Nodes Unavailable now
nodes unavailable for a week
nodes still unusable
Still unusable. I have to use other paid nodes.
Hello, thank you for your site and good facilities, I wanted to ask how we can set our own IP? If there is our own IP in the link we took, it should be sub-updated
4 ، روی Quick Edit در سمت راست کلیک کنید ، کد اصلی را با کد زیر جایگزین کنید ، سپس Save and Deploy
کد اصلی رو از کجا بیارم .
با کدوم کد جایگزین کنم
[email protected]
روی مخابرات جواب نمیده
اصلا کدی که توی آموزش گذاشتید وقتی توی ورکر جایگزین میکنم خطا میده 504
کد خود ورکر 200 یعنی سالم میده
رو ابر آروان نمیشه همین حرکتو زد؟
Thanks . it's very cool and worked
سلام کجا آموزش گام به گام یا مرحله به مرحله هست تا ببینم .
The provided code only catches the vmess servers from that source. how to make it distinguish and add trojan servers instead?
Hello, I left a comment for Reality, I tried my best, I did as you said, but it didn't connect, can you explain more about how to connect?
Your Seattle Server is not working since 2 weeks ago. Please fix it.
کسی ورکر جدید مخصوص کلش خواست میتونه از این استفاده کنه
باید لینک فرینود خودتونو جایگزین کنین
آموزشش توی کانالم هست سوالم داشتین همونجا جواب میدم
چطور میتونیم با ادمین جهت همکاری در ارتباطات باشیم
لطفاً ایمیل خود را برای ارتباط بدهید
یا برای من ایمیل بفرستید
با تشکر
for those who have problem with save and deploy here is the corrected code
const subLink = '';
export default {
async fetch(request) {
let url = new URL(request.url);
let realhostname = url.pathname.split('/')[1];
let realpathname = url.pathname.split('/')[2];
if (url.pathname.startsWith('/sub')) {
let newConfigs = '';
let resp = await fetch(subLink);
let subConfigs = await resp.text();
subConfigs = subConfigs.split('\n');
for (let subConfig of subConfigs) {
if ('vmess') != -1) {
subConfig = subConfig.replace('vmess://', '');
subConfig = atob(subConfig);
subConfig = JSON.parse(subConfig);
if (subConfig.sni && !isIp(subConfig.sni) && == 'ws' && subConfig.port == 443) {
var configNew = new Object();
configNew.v = '2'; = 'Node-' + subConfig.sni;
if (realpathname == '') {
configNew.add = url.hostname;
} else {
configNew.add = realpathname;
configNew.port = subConfig.port; =; =; = url.hostname;
configNew.path = '/' + subConfig.sni + subConfig.path;
configNew.tls = subConfig.tls;
configNew.sni = url.hostname;
configNew.aid = '0';
configNew.scy = 'auto';
configNew.type = 'auto';
configNew.fp = 'chrome';
configNew.alpn = 'http/1.1';
configNew = 'vmess://' + btoa(JSON.stringify(configNew));
newConfigs = newConfigs + configNew+ '\n';
return new Response(newConfigs);
} else {
const url = new URL(request.url);
const splitted = url.pathname.replace(/^\/*/, '').split('/');
const address = splitted[0];
url.pathname = splitted.slice(1).join('/');
url.hostname = address;
url.protocol = 'https';
return fetch(new Request(url, request));
function isIp(ipstr) {
try {
if (ipstr == "" || ipstr == undefined) return false;
if (!/^(\d{1,2}|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])(\.(\d{1,2}|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){2}\.(\d{1,2}|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-4])$/.test(ipstr)) {
return false;
var ls = ipstr.split('.');
if (ls == null || ls.length != 4 || ls[3] == "0" || parseInt(ls[3]) === 0) {
return false;
return true;
} catch (ee) { }
return false;
میشه یه دومین شخصی رو رو ابر اروان یا کلود فر به ورکر وصل کرد ؟ اگه میشه چطوری هست ؟ چه رکور دی باید توش بزارن تا یه ساب دومین به ورکر وصل شه ؟
سلام دامینت باید تو کلادفلر باشه، بزن رو ورکرت توی کلافر یه بخش داره
اونجا میشه دامنه هایی که توی کلاد فلر داری رو به ورکر وصل کنی
Thanks man, in this situation it means a lot, till the end for internet freedom.
خیلی خوب کار کرد و 285 تا کانفیگ اضافه کرد
Hello, good time, add new servers, most of them are duplicates and they are not fast anymore
How can I use this subscription for napsternetv app?
Hi, thank you for your efforts.
I do the step by step procejure, after I copy clean IP in the HTTP tab, then I click SEND, and a number of Vmess Servers are shown. Then I copy them and import them into V2ray windows, and I add a subscription group with the link of worker+clean IP. (https://***** ip). when in V2Ray I try to update subscription with/without proxy, it fails and this message is shown:
Access to a socket was not allowed due to the socket's permissions. (*****
->Invalid subscription content.
Can anyone help me please?
به این کانال تلگرام ملحق شین تا همیشه متصل باشید و راهنمایی اتصال به فری نود رو هم به شما آموزش بدم @v2ray30
Hello dear and respected team Thank you very much for your good site with this internet situation in Iran, you are really a great help, only I had a problem, I don't understand this part, can you please explain it to me.
I don't have access to a personal computer. Please put the codes for making the worker with an Android phone clearly so that we can copy. Please help me in this matter. If possible, email me the relevant codes. Thank you. God bless you.
I can't update it anymore something is wrong with server
Hello. I want to report a problem. On your page, which you have created specifically for Iranian users, the subscription link that your website provides has configurations in which, in the path field, errors, the SNI address has also been entered. For this reason, this type of configuration created with Link Worker does not work for users, but after manually changing the path section and deleting the prefixes that were in this section, the configurations work. Please correct this issue. Thanks for your very kind help
i want to say thanks for your efforts and kind full help to Iranian on behalf of all grateful people of my country
with regards
Thank you for blogging this site,
Dear Team,
First of all thank you for your support and efforts in helping us bypass the censorship. there is an issue in restarting the data capacity and once I press the "Submit" button this message pops up
"Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot pass parameter 2 by reference in /www/wwwroot/ Stack trace: #0 /www/wwwroot/ resetTrafficWithBonus() #1 {main} thrown in /www/wwwroot/ on line 201"
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"Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot pass parameter 2 by reference in /www/wwwroot/ Stack trace: #0 /www/wwwroot/ resetTrafficWithBonus() #1 {main} thrown in /www/wwwroot/ on line 201"
"Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot pass parameter 2 by reference in /www/wwwroot/ Stack trace: #0 /www/wwwroot/ resetTrafficWithBonus() #1 {main} thrown in /www/wwwroot/ on line 201"
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